Sometimes it’s fun to crack open a beer and listen to some good country music. Other times, it’s even better to uncork some bourbon and FEEL it. The Far West definitely feels (and makes you feel) their authentic brand of old school country on their self titled debut. With a rock solid rhythm section and just the right touch of fiddle, banjo, and slide guitar; The Far West’s music captures the spirit and mood of country music’s golden age. And their lyrical storytelling draws from a deep emotional well that transports you to your own private, dysfunctional Cheers – where everybody knows your pain. With songs like “Bitter, Drunk, and Cold,” “The Best Company Misery Ever Had,” “Bound to Lose,” and “Not Far to Fall,” The Far West dives headfirst into the deep end of the blues. But the power of these songs is that they don’t wallow in self pity over life’s hard knocks, they simply acknowledge that they’ve been there. And listening to lead singer Lee Briante’s voice, it’s clear that he’s no stranger to bourbon and broken hearts. He conveys the truth of life’s poignant moments with ease and authenticity. Not straining for high notes or screaming for effect, he just puts it in gear and drives it home to the heart. Listening to him, you’ll be glad to come along for the ride.
Cousin JD
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