Friday, November 11, 2011

Song of the Week: The Great Flood by the Monacchios

I'm departing from our usual party theme for this week's song of the week. Since we're partial to family acts around here, I'd thought we'd feature "The Great Flood" by the Monacchios. These two songwriters met, fell in love, wrote some songs together, and handed out CD copies of their songs to their wedding guests. The first few songs have grown into an album and the first song, especialy, is a great example of storytelling in song. It starts off with two voices harmonizing acapello (souding like a time warped duet of Cat Stevens and Suzanne Vega.) Then a single acoustic guitar is introduced, then a mandolin is added on the next verse. The verses themselves trace a poignant lover's trail of tears. Two peope meet, they fall in love, they face obstacles, they make other plans... Or as the Moracchio's sing: "My true love, it won't be long. I asked your daddy for your hand, but he got the answer wrong." This is a tragic love story in the great tradtion of Country heartbreakers. Love, like the raging waters of a flood, wash over us and carry us away. The real tragedy is to be the one left behind when the flood recedes.

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